Living with water: an exhibition

Space 2: Experiences of flooding rivers
This installation was created by Nicole AL Manley, the voices in the background come from people who have experienced flooding where they live. Between extracts of stories is poetry by Angelo Carlo R. Galindo.
Within the room are also objects that have a reltionship with flooding in the Philippines. Images are suspended from the ceiling as apparitions connecting to the stories of flooding.
Stories of Flooding
The stories come from:
Metro Manila (The Philippines) of the flooding of the Marikina River during Typhoon Ondoy, which took place 25th to 26th September 2009 and caused the Marikina River to rise rapidly by approximately 3m within 3 hours.
Hanoi (Vietnam) of an historic torrential rainfall that caused the Red River to flood into the streets of Hanoi between October 30th and November 1st.
Aberdeenshire (United Kingdom) of several floods caused by heavy rainfall and snow melt in a region of the East Coast of Scotland ranging from 29th to 30th December 2015 and more recently during the pandemic (2020).

To read more about the stories given by people from the Philippines, Vietnam and the United Kingdom, please use the QR code or click here